Versace’s office in highest level, the employees work in the lower levels. The concept: if you wanted to be powerful, more effort has to be made.
Steve's office, the whole concept of this space is about being connect and communicate with others. Sometimes you cannot achieve high alone.
Meeting space, for them to contact and exchange ideas while eating. The 2 growing-wall indicate 2 powerful people meeting together will achieve even higher and infinite power.
This is Versace’s office which located in the highest level, which means that in order to achieve having power, you have to put a lot of efforts. Versace can walk down from the stairs and check on her employees’ works, and she has to walk through them to get to the elevator, this indicates sometimes when you want to make connections with others, you may have to be lower yourself a little bit to reach another powerful person.
This is Steve Jobs’ office, which is constructed to an upper space just above his employees’ working spaces so he could give orders to his employees quick
and distinct. And it also brings out the concept that being powerful needn’t to be alone, forming a relationship with others can help achieving high, even being the most powerful person, you still need others’ help in order to achieve what you want.
This is a runway which located just outside Versace’s office. This runway can help models demonstrating new arrival outfits.
This area is for Steve Jobs to refresh himself and enjoy nice views; so he can relax his eyes from staring at computers all day!
The idea of forming Versace’s elevator is based on fashion. Like many fashions, Versace’s elevator is fun, elegant and glamorous. I used lots of curvy lines and curvy shapes to create this complex feeling. The curvy things hanging behind the elevator are representing floating pieces of cloths, which adds the feeling of movement. There is a seat provided Versace to rest from her high-heel shoes while she I waiting for the elevator to arrive its destination!
The dinning table divided into two sides, the right-hand side is for Steve Jobs and the other side is for Versace. Steve's table is constructed by straight and rectangular form of lines to represent his work on computers are mostly about complex straight lines. Whereas Versace's table is formed by nice, curvy smooth lines creates the feeling of fabrics. Although the table looks like they are separate. However, they are connected by a tiny point at the bottom edge of the table. This indicates the connection between people is important.